(Version 1.2.18, Android 5) App as separate app
(Version 1.2.18, Android 4) The APK files can be downloaded to the mobile device and executed there if the app is not displayed on GooglePlay due to an outdated Android version of the device.

The program combines the political and physical representation of the earth, continents and countries with information specific to amateur radio. Thanks to vector-oriented graphics, the maps and graphics can be adapted to any screen resolution and can be zoomed in very detailed. The operation of the program is extremely clear and simple .
The most important new features in HAM OFFICE - my logbook (Version 6) (click here)
App as APK (Version 1.2.4)
App as APK (Version 1.2.15)
more information about the app
HAM OFFICE basically offers all the important functions necessary for a thorough and appealing input of QSO data and logbook evaluation . Help functions support every single step from the first start of the program. Using the extensive import functions , HAM OFFICE can import data from almost any logbook program.
A big advantage of HAM OFFICE are the regular data updates on the Internet, which are available in generally guarantee a database that is more up-to-date than that of other newly acquired programs. Interfaces to the Federal Network Agency, Callbook CD, QRZ.COM and other databases are available for current call data. The regular data updates are a service offered for the program. However, they are not part of the program and are not included in the program price.
- Enter and change the QSO data in an input window with lots of additional information
- Evaluations of the most important logbook data in list form, tables, bar charts and on maps
- Import of the QSO data from all other logbook programs via import filters and ADIF
- Data export: ADIF, CSV, STF, Cabrillo, EDI, text files
- Printout of all important lists
- automatic generation of HTML files
- latest prefix cross reference
- Searching the logbook according to various criteria
- free online log
- Diploma evaluations
- Zoomable world maps with political, physical and neutral view, globe
- in the maps graticule and locator grid, CQ and ITU zones, DXCC, country, prefix search, DXCC information, position flag, call sign search
- DX cluster module for TNC and Internet
- SAT module with SAT list and satellite tracking
- UHF contest, WAG contest, many other contests
- professional QSL printing on labels or cards
- Access to Callbook, Internet databases and addresses (BNetzA, QRZ.COM, HO-OnlineLog, etc.)
- electronic QSO confirmations with eQSL and LotW
- CAT, GPS, Rotor and CW keyer interfaces
- Additional module "HAM Diplom"
- EMail-QSL
- HAM Xpress mobile APP