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Amateurfunk-Software | Tel:+49 (0)30 351 26 92 62
Tel:+49 (0)30 351 26 92 62
  • 6.300.3: New contest: RSGB-IOTA contest also available as freeware in the contest area at qslonline.de
  • 6.300.3: automatic date correction for imports
  • 6.300.3: various adjustments for users with DN9 call signs (new class N)
  • 6.300.3: Update of the HAM abc database (lexicon)
  • 6.300.3: Contest import revised
  • 6.300.3: Contest renumbering revised

18.07.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.300.3

  • 6.300.2: New contest: RSGB-IOTA contest (Premium license)
  • 6.300.2: Improvements to eQSL import (Premium license)
  • 6.300.2: Map in the QSO input window: In the map settings you can set that there is no automatic zoom to the country. This may give you a better overview of where in the world the other station is. (Premium license)
  • 6.300.2: Export of US counties now in the more modern form State,Countyname

04.07.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.300.2

  • 6.300.1: Update of the July contests
  • 6.300.1: Attention: When you start the program after this update or change the logbook, a logbook check is carried out, as was the case with the last update. This check is only carried out once per log and takes a few seconds depending on the size of the log. After that, you can continue working with the program as normal. The next updates will omit the check again.
  • 6.300.1: Large cluster window: The switches are more visible than in previous versions.
  • 6

27.06.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.300.1

  • 6.299.8: QSL Manager: Manfred,DF6EX has updated his

20.06.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.299.8

  • 6.299.7: various layout improvements in the night layout
  • 6.299.7: DX cluster now also gets the locator from the call file
  • 6.299.7: DCL export now possible with export of the QTH (see DCL export settings)

13.06.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.299.7

  • 6.299.6: various improvements in the program and on the HAM OFFICE server with regard to data security
  • 6.299.6: DX alarm window: The band selection bar now switches more smoothly and no longer flickers briefly.
  • 6.299.6: DX alarm window: The small arrow switch to the right of the monitor switch is only visible if the switch to the left of it has no more space.
  • 6.299.6: QSO input: In the Rem field (Remarks) you can now enter the placeholder #NAME. When exporting, the name is replaced by the f

06.06.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.299.6

  • 6.299.5: Improvements in the statistical diagram display of band and mode as well as DXCC
  • 6.299.5: Consideration of the new call suffixes /T and /R for DL-QSOs
  • 6.299.5: Lexicon update

30.05.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.299.5

  • 6.299.4: Changes to the timeouts when accessing the LotW websites, so that the waiting time in the event of a LotW server error is not as long
  • 6.299.4: If several logs are compared with LotW when the program starts or ends and the server does not respond, the termination is now faster from the second log onwards, so that the waiting time when the program starts is also reduced due to the LotW server error (Premium License)

23.05.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.299.4

  • 6.299.3: Size of display area in program options and QSO settings window increased to make lower settings easier to read
  • 6.299.3: Update Contest Rhineland-Palatinate Activity Evenings (Cabrillo output file)
  • 6.299.3: Better interception of double-clicks on the homepage (so that functions are not started twice)

16.05.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.299.3

  • 6.299.2: Improvements to the heritage contest. Please create the ADIF file for the evaluator with the new version or refer to the class in the email when sending the ADIF file.
  • 6.299.2: Minor layout changes due to cut switches
  • 6.299.2: Revision of the complete export of the logbook to the OnlineLog

10.05.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.299.2

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